Get Up and Go!!!!

Not all travel is the same. I worked for a major airline in the 90’s that no longer exists. We got great travel benefits. We could fly anywhere in the us round trip for less than 50 bucks and if we wanted to fly First class it was less than 100 bucks. We would fly to seattle for a cup of coffee after work from Memphis and then be home before it was to late to go have a drink at the bar. I have clocked out and walked right up to the gate and boarded a flight to Denver for a steak dinner. It was completely crazy what we used to do.



Then I started working as a trainer for the airline and I had to fly to multiple airports to train the employees. The more knowledge I gained the more places I had to go and train. I started to fly all over the world and train Ground services from Japan to france. I have been to almost every state in the US (47) and most major airports in the world. You might think that I am so lucky to have seen so much of the world. Well I haven’t. What I have been able to see is the airports and the hotels at or near those airports.

Traveling for work is completely different then traveling for pleasure. You try to streamline things so that you can be as efficient as possible so that you may go home sooner. Sure there are the work trips that you want to take that extra day to explore the city you are in but that’s usually not the case. If you have that opportunity I always suggest you do it.

Don’t let the fact that you travel a lot for work stop you from traveling for pleasure. They are two completely different animals. One is a tiger that needs to be watched and trained and closely monitored whereas the other is a sweet fuzzy puppy that likes to jump around and have wonderful puppy breath and it licks you in the face. I know strange analogy but it works just go with it. If you travel to Fiji for work then go to Detroit and catch a Red Wings Hockey Game! If you travel to Detroit for work then go to Fiji for a week on the beach. If live in LA fly to Orlando and try out their amusement parks. Are you a history fan! Philadelphia, Boston, DC, Fredericksburg, and heck even Oregon!




The point is travel brings you to more than just a destination in the world but a destination in your soul. Get up and plan your vacation and make it big! Make it the most interesting and exciting thing you can imagine. No? not into excitement than plan the most relaxed and laid back vacation you can think of. The one thing to remember is that travel isn’t as cheap as it was in the 90’s even for ex airline employees. Travel is still affordable enough to make plans. That perfect destination is out there. Talk to your travel agent.