Moonlight Tours

Moonlight Tours is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and support before, during and even after Travel Itineraries are completed. I have been in the Travel Industry for a few years now and have been primarily working with corporate travel with leisure travel jumping in here and there. Leisure travel was more interesting. I spent more time then I probably should have researching destinations for my clients. What I found was I wanted to know more about each place. That’s when I realized that I wanted to start selling special tours and itineraries to places I have a connection with both personally and professionally.

This blog is about my travels and experiences in the travel industry. I may have some quick notes, a website for you to see, a pin on pinterest that might help you out, or just a funny story of a mishap I had(trust me there are lots of those).

Drop me a line if you have a questions or need help with travel. That’s what I am here for.