
I am by no means a little guy. I like to enjoy the food I eat and it shows. I am sure that you have heard how bland or how unusual the food is in England, Ireland and Scotland. Well that just simply is not true about it being bland. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. Yes some of the food is unusual and that’s what makes it so great and exciting to eat.

The most interesting aspect of the food is the variety in the ingredients and recipes that are used. Sure there are several things that we as Americans eat that are melting pot recipes from Scotland, England, and Ireland. Most people don’t even realize it. Yet there are a few that have not really become well-known in the states.

Cullen Skink


This wonderful soup is rich and creamy with a very satisfying taste. It main ingredient is Smoked Haddock and Potatoes. There are several recipes that vary in the execution of the dish. Some people blend it all together so that all the flavors mix with a couple of pieces of Smoked Haddock in the middle. Others leave the potatoes chopped with the fish flaked into the chowder like broth. Either way its incredible. If you are not a fan of fish then this dish may not be for you. If you love fish then be sure to not miss this Culinary Masterpiece.



Haggis is one of those meals that if you are not raised eating it you are going to think “No way am I eating that!” I cannot tell you what a fantastic meal you would miss out on. The texture and flavor are incredible the moment it hits your mouth. The ingredients may not be the usual staples of american foods but then again if it wasn’t lung, kidney, and heart then it wouldn’t be Haggis. The National Dish of Scotland, Haggis has just as many recipes as kitchens. Each family has a favorite method for making Haggis. Some like the consistency wet and others dry. The specific ratios of meats to oats and herbs is just as important. Haggis is versatile and lends its flavor well to other dishes. While I was in Crieff I enjoyed a delicious treat at the visitors center called a Drover Burger.

Listen to this….

  • 1/4lb Beef Burger
  • sunny side up egg
  • Bacon (Scottish bacon is actually Back Bacon that is thicker and bigger)
  • Cheese
  • Haggis
  • Whisky Sauce

Oh my goodness I cannot tell you how incredible this burger was. I dream of this creation often. It just goes to show you that Haggis is as versatile as water!

Fish and Chips

You can get fish and chips anywhere in the world. What you can’t get is REAL Scottish/British Fish and Chips from a Chip shop. It’s hard to explain but let me try. You know how you can make popcorn at home and it’s just ok, but if you go to the movie theatre and buy the $6.75 bag of popcorn with butter it tastes incredible? Same principle here.


The way it is cooked and the texture is just amazing. My fiancée who does not like fish even said she loved it. Now that is saying something. The coating is crisp and flaky with no greasy feel at all. The fish is tender and moist. The chips (Fries) are crispy on the outside but cooked through and tasty with just a hint of salt. Of course what Fish and Chips meal wouldn’t be complete without a bottle of Irn Bru. The Scottish Drink of choice second only to Scotch Whisky.

Now I could go on for pages and pages about the wonderful and creative foods found in Scotland, Ireland, and England but I will stop here for now. Make plans to go try some of these foods at a local restaurant that has international foods on the menu. or better yet take a trip to the region and try it first hand from the experts themselves.

I am off to have an early lunch now that I am hungry.

Life is an Adventure but don’t forget to eat along the way!