What kind of Vacation is for me?

Taking a vacation is something that has changed in the last 20 years or so. When I was a kid my parents did 2 types of vacations. The amusement park vacation and the camping vacation. Both of these types of vacations were more than enough to keep a family recharged and happy.

The Amusement Park Vacation consisted of just that an amusement park such as Disneyland, Six Flags, Marine World or some other place that was at least a day or 2 drive away. We didn’t fly so much when I was a kid because it wasn’t affordable in my dads eyes. We went to Disneyland twice when I was a kid. I was to young to really remember the first time but the second time I was 13 and had my best friend Abe with me. My parents loaded up the light blue 1973 Ford Pinto Wagon with us and off we went. It was a great trip and was a highlight of my young life.


The Camping Vacation was something we did at least once a year and usually more. It was something we could do as a family that was affordable. basically the cost of fuel, beer, soda, as well as odds and ends for the camp site. My mom had a system for camping that worked well. You get to the site and set up camp then relax for the next few days. Simple and easy.


Move forward to the vacations of today. The types of vacations that are available today are so numerous that new categories have been added.

  1. Sightseeing
  2. Adventure
  3. Nature
  4. Impact/volunteer
  5. Rest and Relaxation
  6. Educational
  7. Amusement
  8. Staycation

Now a quick explanation of each in case you can’t figure it out.



A popular vacation for people looking for culture. These vacations tend to be picking a single destination and just looking at whats there. Exploring museums or going to a market or maybe watching a sporting event then walking around the city looking at what makes it different from other big cities. Seattle is a good example of a sightseeing adventure. The range of things that you can do on a very modest budget makes it a great destination for sightseeing.



The Adventure vacation has grown increasingly popular. From Adventure racing to Downhill mountain biking treks. The amount of Zipline companies in tourist destinations has increased ten fold. It seems like the adventurous youth are growing up and wanting to push the limits while on vacation. Trips to Everest Base camp have increased due to the increased accessibility to it over the years.


Time to grab the camera and the backpack! the Nature vacation is an outdoor persons dream. To surround ones self with the great outdoors can be the only way to recharge for some people. The sound of the wind in the trees or the strange noise in the middle of the night that brings back childhood night mares that keep you awake……ummm anyway. The beauty of the outdoors is a magnet for many travelers. From a hike on the Pacific Crest Trail to Off-road adventures in the great Moab of Utah


This is a rather interesting type of vacation. You go on a vacation to help out a community. Volunteering your time and energy to bring improvements to communities that are less fortunate. Many companies provide tours that go to Cuba, the Dominican Republic and many third world countries that could use help. The work is anything from helping to drill a well to mixing concrete and pouring floors in homes. I have yet to meet anyone who has gone on one of these vacations that hasn’t loved the experience. Helping out your fellow human being is a great soul lifter.


5.Rest and Relaxation

Simple topic… This is where the spa as well as the all-inclusive resorts come in to play. Nothing but beaches to lay on, or decks to watch the stars out in the middle of the ocean on a cruise ship. The best part is there is no real planning once you arrive to these destinations. coordinators take charge or you can be left alone to do as you will. The important part is no pressure and all luxury or as much as you can afford. Cruises are popular as well as Caribbean and Mexican all inclusive resorts.



Educational vacations are becoming very popular. Astronomy tours are one of the more popular venues. Museum and art tours are the largest tours available in Paris for obvious reasons. Tours can just be as simple as receiving a tour handbook with a ride to the destination. They can also be as complex as all day seminars on very complex subjects from Physics and Astronomy to Bigfoot symposium. The goal is to use your vacation to increase your knowledge. group of athletes running along the embankment



Obviously this is the fun one for the kids and the kid at heart. Disneyland or Disney World are the go to amusement vacations for many but with a little research you would be surprised at the amount of other places you can go to that have some really great amusement parks just waiting to be discovered. Wuhu China has Fantawild Adventure park with a few roller coasters and other attractions. South Korea even has its own Disneyland Knock-off in Lotte World. You can even find a little known amusement park off of I-5 in Oregon that has a very long history called the Enchanted Forest. A very cute and fun little park.



The wonderful Staycation. Turn off the cell phone. Close the blinds and stay home. Watch TV, cook great meals and read a book on your most comfortable couch. The point is to stay in and relax in the comfort of your own home. Of course you can take tours of discovery for your own town or city. You can take the opportunity to discover new and improved attractions and events in your local area. This is a very good way to bring back your own sense of community. Give it a try and if you prefer to run away then do so.


Vacations are completely personal and with all the options available in this day and age you can personalize a vacation to include any number of combinations from the list above or just do the one type. It’s completely up to your sense of adventure and of course there are many other types of vacation styles out there. The most important part is to get out there and do something. Don’t let the world pass you by because you are unsure or misinformed. The information is out there. Call a travel agent and ask questions.


The world is here for you to explore! Even the longest journey begins with one step. Take the step and begin the adventure of a lifetime on your terms.