Mini Adventure: Running the Rapids

The sun is high and the temperature is to hot for me to be comfortable. The water is deep green and cold. I have a life jacket next to me on the rafts pontoon and my Fiancee has hers also. We shove off from the shore and I take my time to adjust to the seat for comfort. I grab the oars and slowly guide us to the middle of the river. I have spent untold miles and hours on rivers doing just this activity. I love the feeling of gliding along the waters upper most layers and enjoying the sounds and sights of the river. The wildlife never ceases to amaze me. An Osprey nest in a man made extension above a power pole. The Osprey sees us as we quietly slide by without disturbing their life. Fast moving water moves us down the river faster then normal summer water speeds.


This is our first run of the season. Last year we did not get a chance to put in the raft once and by golly this year we intend to go as often as we can. This trip is just to get it all started. The motion of the water and the occasional splash from a good set of waves reminds me even more why I love the river. Amy is just like me. She grew up running the river and learning to read the water. I am unfamiliar with this river having only been on the Rogue a couple of times before and never on this section of the river. Amy says its pretty uneventful so I am not really being as diligent about reading the water and looking for danger. Having been certified in Swift Water Rescue I will always carry a sense of caution no matter what the situation.

We see many houses along the river and comment on most.

“I like the porch but not the style of the house”

“WOW look at that one! Wish we could afford that!”

“Check out the size of that place!”

and so many other comments.

The river splits around an island….River right has visible white water and looks a little swifter then everything we have been though so far. River left looks smooth and relatively relaxed. I back row to the right side for the white water. Amy asks me why and I say the other people in front of us went that way. She says we want to go river left. I smile and move the raft back to the left side and glide down the path.

Jim Belushi is outside on his property smoking a big cigar and chatting away with a friend as we float by. He waves and has a quick conversation with Amy. He didn’t need to even acknowledge us yet he is just a nice guy who was being as normal as the rest of the people we see along the river.

Amy was right….River left was the way to go today. Next time we try river right! Shortly after that we reach our pull out and get out of the river. The trip took just over 2.5 hours and we feel like it was well worth the effort. Now that the raft is set up and ready to go so are we.

A Vacation is anything that removes you from the norm and either puts you in a different place either physical, mentally or both. These times are important for our life to be happy and fulfilled. take the time even if its just a couple of hours.

