That First Step

Whats the hold up? Finances? Time? people? Whatever your reason let me tell you its not a valid reason…..

We spend the time in our lives working hard to make our lives better. Work long hours to show our dedication to the boss for that raise so you can afford new things. You work on Saturday to get the project done ahead of schedule. Leave early in the morning to get into the plant early for a jump on the days duties. so what have you done?

The extra hours to impress your boss has led to those hours lost with your family. That Saturday Baseball game of your kids is missed. Breakfast with the daughter who admires you was missed. Thats what happened. Now I get that we all have to make sacrifices to better our living situations but when you spend more and more time trying to better your situation without any rewards you can become disheartened and flippant. Its hard to realize how far down that rabbit hole you have fallen.

The problem with the Rat Race is you can get hit by the Rat Trap! What you forget in all that hustle and bustle is you and your family deserve to have a life. Spend time together and have fun. You are ALLOWED to enjoy your family and life. Its time for you to take it back! Take back that Saturday. Take back the Morning breakfast and the afternoon game of catch. Take back your life.


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